Tag Archives: Mobile App development company

Transforming Education with 3D Printing

Would 3D printing truly become a part of every school in the near future? Time shall tell as the clamor for the use of 3D printers in education is getting louder. The possibility of teachers and students having a 3D printer on their desks seems more realizable now than ever before. By providing low-risk, low-cost […]

Augmented Reality – New Dimension of Learning

What is augmented reality? Augmented reality (AR) is a way of creating layers of digital information on top of the physical world, allowing users to view them through smart devices such as iOS or Android mobile phones. AR allows people to add digital content from a website link, an animation, a 3D model etc. to […]

Learning Through Social Networks

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ etc. are springing up daily on the Internet, and people are taking advantage of them for socializing, making friends and gaining popularity. Since they have become a part of our daily lives, it would make a whole lot of sense for students to leverage these media […]

Teaching in a 1:1 Classroom

As one-to-one (1:1) classroom (every student has his/her tablet or laptop, such as iPad or Chromebook) is gaining popularity, more and more benefits of this form of ubiquitous access to technology have been recognized by educators as well as students. 1:1 technology differentiate content delivery & student assignments Discernment of subject during earlier days or […]

Teacherpreneurs – the Leaders of Future Education

Teacherpreneur is a new term that is gradually taking over as the role of teachers is getting more and more complex and elaborate. As technology evolves, so is the need for improvement in the way students are taught. With these needs, more responsibilities are placed on the shoulders of classroom teachers – they need to […]