Indispensable part of mobile learning: GPS

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system maintained by the United States government providing location and time information, anywhere on or near the Earth with the help of an unobstructed line of sight based on satellite in all weather conditions. Earlier it was inherently used in military, civil and commercial users to give them a proficient system. It is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver. Propagation of GPS helps in polishing and improving capabilities across a wide spectrum when blended with other technologies.

Use of GPS in mobile learning can address immediate problems, real calculations and merge practical learning together with theoretical experiences.  GPS also gives mobile learning efficient and effective features. Giving a strong foundation to school kids with a reward by collecting the points, it has featured ‘The figure game’ training students to draw or marking out squares, triangles and parallelograms in the play-field by using their mobile phones. Another apps is ‘The maths walk’ to search mathematics discoveries by counting, drawing, measuring using geometrical constructions, which are around you. One more app is ‘Coordination game’ accomplishing you to search for a treasure within a coordination scheme by counting, reasoning and estimating.

Many subjects such as law enforcement managers, IT professionals, forensic and intelligence personnel need analysis value with a high accuracy of data. Expansion of GPS technology, can contribute in making decision. An increased emphasis on data sharing, intelligence-led policing, and fusion centre participation can be an overwhelming volume of information with a consolidated result. Application like woices which allows users to create and explore audio tours and Graffitio which allows learners to leave comments on virtual walls associated with locations can be analysed to provide actionable support for decision making.

spider in da house appWith a very new and unique effort from TouchApp is a biology app Spider in da house, to to investigate spider mating and its dependency on whether and timing is different in different parts of the UK. Isn’t it excited to do your own discovery sitting comfortably at your home?


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From Mobile App development company TouchApp